On the Floor of the Mouth

* The cost is £150 for a single class but book more than four and they are reduced to £120 each.

Part of Craniosacral System Essentials or the set of 10 or 15 courses.

Not sure about all the structures that make up the floor of the mouth? Confused by all the ligaments and muscles that attach to the hyoid? What exactly does happen when we swallow? Find out the answers to these questions and deepen your grasp on the anatomical structures that create this area.

Why is this important for hands on therapists? For Dr John Upledger and the CranioSacral therapist it is all about understanding 'the avenue of expression'.

What you will get:

  • Workbook

    A workbook to fill in as we go along creating a resource for reviewing after the class.

  • Handouts

    A downloadable copy of the slides, useful for annotating as we go along and reviewing after.

  • Recording

    The link for online participation and the ability to review the recording after the class - students say they love this!

What we will cover

  • Anatomy of the mouth, pharynx and 'avenue of expression'

    Looking from the bones and ligaments, to the muscles that attach and create this highly and variably functional area, we will get a good idea of how the land lies!

  • Muscles of the tongue and floor of the mouth

    Understand the way the many muscle fibres intersect and align, and really nail where all the supra-, retro and infrahyoids attach.

  • Basic structure of the voice box

    Appreciate the cartilages of the larynx and upper trachea and the relationship to the pharynx and oesophageus

  • Rounding it all out...

    ...by showing the main blood and nerve supplies to the area and considering ways to treat when a body 'invites' you here.