On the Floor of the Mouth
Released July 2023 £150*
Part of Craniosacral System Essentials or the set of 10 or 15 courses.
Why is this important for hands on therapists? For Dr John Upledger and the CranioSacral therapist it is all about understanding 'the avenue of expression'.
Looking from the bones and ligaments, to the muscles that attach and create this highly and variably functional area, we will get a good idea of how the land lies!
Understand the way the many muscle fibres intersect and align, and really nail where all the supra-, retro and infrahyoids attach.
Appreciate the cartilages of the larynx and upper trachea and the relationship to the pharynx and oesophageus
...by showing the main blood and nerve supplies to the area and considering ways to treat when a body 'invites' you here.
Sign up for 5 or more via one of our packages & pay only £120 per course
Really want to know your stuff? Choose any selection of online courses that add up to 10 2-day sessions. Sign up for The Anatomy Journey, let us know which 10 you want and get ready to sit back and relax into learning...
Book the lot! For the enthusiastic anatomist! Get an extra special price for committing to all of our online courses. Pay up front or in 12, monthly instalments.
Released July 2023
Looking in detail at how the vertebrae vary in different areas, how the meningeal tubes wrap the spinal cord, the blood supply, cool features and the early paths of the nerves as they leave the column.