About signing up to courses

  • Which course should I take first?

    To answer this, think about what you have already done and what areas of anatomy & physiology most interest you.

    If you are a beginner, have never done an actual formal course before or are really very rusty then consider the Foundation Certificate. It will give a great grounding.

    If you have previously gained a qualification that was thorough and you are now wanting to improve your knowledge and make it relevant to your practice then consider any of the other online courses or packages. They cover many aspects of the head and neck (craniosacral system), organs in the trunk, the brain and peripheral nerves, and our newest course explores the endocrine system. If you have gaps in any of these areas then the courses may be for you.

    If you have done other courses and are interested in seeing the body for real then look for the next Day in the Dissection Lab. We have a few each year (although they tend to fill up fast so feel free to contact us and get your name on the waiting list!).

  • Do I know enough for the level of the online courses?

    All of our two day courses are aimed at hands-on, especially CranioSacral therapy, practitioners. Most of the time you will already have some level of qualification - in the UK this is at least of a level 3 / 4 (according to the National Occupational Standards). So we assume at least this level and then move beyond. We tend to know where most qualifications are pitched and therefore roughly what level you will come with. Our aim is that everyone will learn plenty for their next step, wherever they came in at.

  • Will I know too much?

    We have done these courses for a variety of folk qualified in many therapies including osteopathy, chiropractic, physiotherapy, acupuncture, massage, fascial work, Alexander Technique, and many more. No one has ever reported not learning anything; sometimes things are more of a reminder and a look from a different viewpoint, but people always say they find them really useful.

  • What if I signed up and then changed my mind?

    No problem, life happens. If you sign up for a single course or two we can transfer it to another course or refund you minus a small admin fee of £20 (this covers what we lose in processing fees and time).

    If you sign up for an 'Essentials' or bigger package and only do one, two or three of the five courses you would be liable for £150 per class, so we would refund you any payments beyond this, less the admin fee. If you had done more sessions from a larger package we would refund you proportionally along these lines!

  • I am bit confused about the number of sessions in each course?

    Other than the Foundation Certificate, the online courses are taught for 2 consecutive days, 3 hours each day. Some of them are now recorded, others will be taught live (depending on your time zone,) They run (or will be released) roughly a month apart. Some courses include two or three of these two day sessions; the packages may include 5, 10 or 15 altogether.

  • How do I download the workbooks needed for my course?

    These will typically not be available until a week before your course starts, at which point we will send you a reminder and your course will become active on your dashboard. All the instructions will be in there on how to download and access anything else required.

  • Do I have to attend live?

    We have developed these courses, from what used to be in-person ones, and have found they work really well for people. When they are live we can answer your questions, check out how you are doing with the material and have you participate in various ways, including breakout rooms with colleagues, review quizzes etc. Students report this is a valuable way to learn. It also means you definitely do it all!

    That said, we are now making them available as recorded classes so they are more accessible to more time zones, but will be released from the specified times. if you have to miss one of the live classes, the recordings make it possible to catch up before the next session or review anything you were not sure about in between.

    And a few folk have purchased the classes but just watched the recordings as they found it valuable to take it slowly and have time to pause and review as necessary. We don't want the classes to become something you think sound great but never quite get to, so encourage you to participate either live or accessing the modules over time. Whichever way it works best for you we will keep an eye on your progress and make sure you are getting what you need.

Questions about payments

Here are the answers to some of the common ones - but get in touch if you have more.

  • Why can I only book and pay for one course at a time?

    This is simply down to the system's software. It does not offer a 'checkout / basket' where you can select multiple things to buy. If you want to purchase a single course you can, or if you want to buy two (or more) you will need to do two (or more) transactions.

    We have created packages for the typical combinations most people enjoy, which can then be done in a single transaction and will also save you money! Or these can be done in regular instalments if you select this option as we know payment plans can be very helpful.

    If you would prefer a different payment plan or would like to do this via BACS / standing order then please get in touch with the office and we can help you with that.
    Also, if you are interested in any different course combination please do get in touch.

  • Do you retain my financial details?

    No. If you use the website to purchase a course all your financial / card details are shared only with Thinkific, and their payment processor. Their terms are shared on our privacy policy page (see the link in the footer of each page). Any further questions about this please get in touch or see https://www.thinkific.com/resources/terms-of-service/

  • Can I pay by BACS instead?

    Yes! If you would prefer to pay by BACS and book through the office instead of via the website please just get in touch with Marilyn in the office. She will send you all the details you need.

    You can also do this if you are wanting to book a different number of courses, or have previously done courses with us and want to add to ones you have already done.

General Questions

Here are the answers to some of the common ones - but get in touch if you have more.

  • I found it hard enough to study the first time, why would I want to do more?

    We make our courses hands-on and interactive so there is lots of time to practice and apply what you are learning and have fun in the process. Putting the information across in innovative ways helps to capture your attention and make it relevant to what you do in your work.

  • What are the hours each day?

    We teach our live online courses in 3 hour blocks - when they are will depend on you time zone! The recorded ones can be accessed once they are released.

  • Where do your level of courses fit in the scheme of things?

    Most of our courses offer CPD – continuing professional development and so do assume a basic, if rusty, existing knowledge. They aim to refresh what you ‘should’ know and then add to that knowledge, keeping it relevant to what you do as a practitioner. Our courses are more advanced and specialised than general anatomy courses and go beyond the typical ITEC or other Level 3 qualifications.

  • Are your courses accredited?

    Although there is no one body that could accredit the type of anatomy and physiology courses we offer, our courses have been acceptable to many of the different therapy-specific governing bodies requiring CPD. Our Foundation Certificate course is accredited by the UK's Cranio Sacral Society, as it is aimed primarily at trainee CranioSacral therapists.

  • What is continuing professional development all about?

    There are a few guidelines about what is required for continuing professional development ('CPD') in our 'complementary medicine' field. For CST in the UK we ask for 24 hours every two years, which these courses can count towards. Find out from your governing body what you need - most have accepted what we offer (that is to say I have not heard of any who have not!).

  • On the dissection day courses do we get to dissect?

    No. Apart from anything else it takes ages and is a bit smelly. However, we do have many pre-dissected specimens that show most of the structures we talk about from various angles and depths of dissection. The folk who prepare these specimens are really very skilled at what they do and we would be hard pushed to match it!

  • How does “My Dashboard" work?

    Your Dashboard contains all of the courses that you’ve enrolled in. Whether you’ve purchased a bundle or single course, you will see all of the courses you’ve purchased there. Until a week or so before the course they will say 'coming soon'. The 6 courses that you have interacted with most recently are what will show on the homepage, so the list may change. If you have taken more than 6 then they will be on successive pages which you can access from page swapping buttons just below the displayed courses.