On the Brain
22 - 23 June & 13 - 14 July 2023 10am-1pm (BST) £300 *
* The cost for these two is £300, but our Neuro Knowledge package will combine with the three Peripheral Nerve Pathways classes for £600 - getting one free!
Or book as part of a 10 or 15 course set.
Neuroanatomy can be a tricky subject. We will aim to tease the key structures and areas out of complexity and into some clarity.
Starting with the cortex we will explore what happens where and how these areas connect. This will include motor, sensory, visual, auditory and other areas, as well as the important tracts and commissures.
The we will get into the basal ganglia and limbic system and touch on the endocrine importance of the hypothalamus and pituitary.
In the second part we will explore the brain stem and the cerebellum, enabling you to distinguish between the areas that house different cranial nuclei, tracts to and from the body and cortex and ensure you are familiar with the blood supply to all areas.
Including the lobes, sulci, gyri, fissures and other landmarks
...and where. ie the main motor and sensory cortices, how the 'homunculi' line up, the importance of the pre-frontal cortex, and why we need our other association areas
What are the white matter tracts, how do they run and connect the different parts of the brain - the difference between the fasiculi and corpus collosum, corona radiata and the commissures...
Learn how these link together and, with the help of some playdoh and lots of diagrams, get your head around how the parts sit in relation to each other...
and the hormonal and physical connection to the pituitary gland.
Why the back of the midbrain is hilly, why the pons has a huge 'belly' and what olives have to do with the medulla! We will learn about locations of the cranial nerve nuclei and the tracts that run up and down between the spinal cord and the brain higher up
we will spend some time on reviewing all this and labelling cross sections of the brain so that we build more of a 3-d picture for our hands when we treat. If there is time we may even tune in with our hands to explore the feel of a few different areas!
"Thank you for the neuroanatomy. It was really helpful. I personally think there is so much amazing information to learn and we just need to take time to go over it all.
The printouts were great and you make it much easier to understand and more fun than plowing through textbooks. Love to do the peripheral nerves too."
Sign up for more to pay less per course!
Combine the five two day courses in 'On the Brain' and 'Peripheral Nerve Pathways' to amp up your neurological knowledge.
Really want to know your stuff? Choose any selection of online courses that add up to 10 2-day sessions. Sign up for The Anatomy Journey, let us know which 10 you want and get ready to sit back and relax into learning...
2023 dates TBC
This course is three 2-day classes, the first looking at the cervical plexus, the next the brachial plexus and the third the lumbosacral. Learn the major nerves that emerge from each & the pathways they take.