* The cost for these 3 is £450, but bundle them with the 2 Neuro Knowledge classes for £600 and get one free!

This series of three 2-day classes follows on from both 'On the Brain' class and 'Up and Down the Spine'.

We will cover the cervical plexus first, looking at the nerves that exit the spinal cord and how they group themselves to reach their destinations. Then the brachial plexus, including the pathways of the main nerves off the plexus down the arm. Similarly for the lumbosacral plexus, leading us to a good understanding of the major nerves of the peripheral nervous system and sneaking in a useful review of the the musculoskeletal terrain as we go!

You will also get:

  • Workbook

    A workbook to print out before the online class and use during it as well as afterwards for review

  • Handouts

    Print the slides we will refer to and annotate during the teaching time or access them afterwards to remind you what we learned

  • Recording

    You will get the zoom link to join the online class plus access to the recording of your class which students find excellent for review

What we will cover:

  • The arrangement of the nerves that exit the cervical plexus

    The cervical plexus is C1-4; find out some of the unusual ways that nerves exit and travel from these spinal levels...

  • What is the ansa cervicalis and why do we need it

    This interesting 'ring' of nerves and innervation pattern will deepen our understanding of the 'avenue of expression'

  • Why is the brachial plexus so complex and what is the best way to simplify it so we can understand and remember it?

    We will find some easy ways of showing how the nerve roots emerge and mix and match to leave us with our 5 nerves to the arm

  • Musculocutaneous, median, ulnar, radial...

    Learn how to spot the difference between these major arm nerves and what they innervate on their journeys...

  • The lumbar and sacral plexi... what's the difference?

    And why will this add to our treatments? Understanding the central role of the sacrum is a particularly important piece for bodywork therapies (such as CST)

  • Detailed nerves of the leg...

    Learn how to differentiate between your illioinguinal and lateral femoral cutaneous, your tibial and common fibular, and your femoral and obturator. Not to mention the review of the structures they serve...

"Thank you so much for this great series of teaching on the peripheral nerves. I absolutely love your classes. I found myself going back to the ones I took last year quite often and getting the material in little by little. It is such a good resource to have.

"I am sorry I was not able to be online live with everyone this time, as I really enjoy the aliveness of the courses and the group experience.... but I got a bit of it with the replays anyway."

Eva, joining from France